Connecticut Identity Theft Resources

Connecticut Identity Theft

Like most other states, Connecticut has laws that deal with identity theft, which is defined as knowingly using someone else’s identifying information to obtain goods and services without authorization.

The statute itself is Connecticut Code § 53a-129a  As with many other states, Connecticut law not only addresses the use of someone else’s personal information to commit a crime or fraud, but also trafficking (e.g., buying and selling) such information.


Points of Contact

Office of the Attorney General
55 Elm St.
Hartford, Connecticut 06106
Phone: (860) 808-5318
Fax: (860) 808-5387

Connecticut Department of Social Services (CDSS)
25 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT  06106-5033
Phone:  (860) 424-4908 (outside Connecticut)
(800) 842-1508 (within Connecticut)

Department of Motor Vehicles
60 State Street
Wethersfield, CT 06161
Phone:  (860) 263-5700 (Within Hartford area or outside of Connecticut)
Toll Free:   (800) 842-8222 (Elsewhere in Connecticut)

Other Resources for Identity Theft in Connecticut:

Connecticut Laws About Identity Theft

Connecticut Attorney General ID Theft Sheet

Connecticut Identity Theft Guide

Connecticut ID Theft Safety Sheet

Additional Connecticut ID Theft Resources

Colorado Identity Theft Resources

Colorado Identity Theft

From the Colorado Attroney General Identity Theft Resources Sheet:

“Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America. Each year, millions are victimized by this senseless crime. Technological advances and the proliferation of the Internet have only enhanced our exposure to thieves seeking to steal our identities.”


Like most other states, Colorado has laws that deal with identity theft, which can be generally defined as  the unauthorized use of a person’s identifying information to fraudulently obtain goods or services.    The statute itself is Colorado Criminal Code § 18-5-902.


Points of Contact

Office of the Attorney General
1525 Sherman St.
Denver, Colorado 80203
P: 303-866-4500
F: 303-866-5691
Consumer Line: 800-222-4444

Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS)
Phone: 303-866-5700
Website:  Colorado Dept. of Human Services

Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles
Fraud Investigations
1881 Pierce St, Room 136
Lakewood, CO 80214
Phone: (303) 205-8383

Other Resources for Identity Theft in Colorado

Colorado Identity Theft Sheet

Colorado Identity Theft Repair Kit

Colorado DMV Identity Theft Sheet

Colorado Bureau of Investigation Identity Theft Sheet

Colorado Identity Theft Safety Sheet

Additional Colorado ID Theft Resources

California Identity Theft Resources

California Identity Theft

Like most other states, California has laws that deal with identity theft – specifically, the impersonation of another person with the intent to defraud.    The statute itself is California Penal Code § 528-539.  As with many other states, California law not only addresses the use of someone else’s personal information to commit a crime or fraud, but also trafficking (e.g., buying and selling) such information.


Points of Contact

Office of the Attorney General
1300 I St.
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-9555

California Office of Privacy Protection
915 Capitol Mall, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-1086
Toll Free: (866) 785-9663
Fax:  (916) 653-3815

California Department of Social Services (CDSS)
Phone: 916-651-8848

California Dept. of Motor Vehicles
2415 First Ave., Mail Station F101
Sacramento, CA 95818-2606
Phone: (866) 658-5758

Other Resources for Identity Theft in California

California Attorney General ID Theft Sheet (Includes  California Identity Theft Registry, allowing registration to show that you’re not guilty of the criminal acts committed by someone else in your name.)

California DMV Identity Theft Brochure

California DMV Identity Theft Resource List

California Identity Theft Safety Sheet

California Identity Theft Victim Checklist

Additional California Identity Theft Resources


Arkansas Identity Theft Resources

Arkansas Identity Theft Law:

A person commits identity fraud if he uses another person’s identifying information for the purpose of fraudulently obtaining goods and services, among other things.  The relevant law is the Arkansas Identity Theft Statute (§ Section 5-37-227) .


Points of Contact

Office of the State Attorney General
323 Center Street, Suite 200
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

Phone Number:  (501) 682-2007
Toll Free:  (800) 482-8982

Arkansas Department of Human Services
Donaghey Plaza
P.O. Box 1437
Little Rock, AR 72203
Phone: (501) 682-1001

Office of Driver Services
Ragland Building
1900 W 7th St, Rm 2067
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone:  (501) 682-7060
Fax:  (501) 682-7688


Other Resources for Identity Theft in Arizona

Arkansas Attorney General Identity Theft Site

Arkansas ID Safety Sheet

Identity Theft Passport

Additional Arkansas ID Theft Information

Arizona Identity Theft Resources

Arizona Identity Theft Law

A person commits identity theft by taking or using the personal identifying information of another individual for any unlawful purpose. The relevant statute is found in Arizona’s Identity Theft Law (§ 13-2008).

Points of Contact

Office of the State Attorney General
Phoenix Office
1275 West Washington Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2926
Phone Number: (602) 542-5025
Toll Free: (800) 352-8431
Fax:  (602) 542-4085
email: http:

Arizona Human Resources

Motor Vehicle Division
PO Box 2100
Phoenix AZ 85001-2100
Phoenix:  (602) 255-0072 / Tucson:  (520) 629-9808
Outside of Phoenix and Tucson:  (800) 251-5866

Crime, Fraud & Victim Resource Center
(602) 542-2123 (Phoenix) / Fax (602) 364-1970
(520) 628-6504 (Tucson) / (800) 352-8431

Identity Theft Help Line
(602) 542-2145 (Phoenix)
(800 352-8431


Other Resources for Identity Theft in Arizona

Arizona Attorney General Identity Theft Site

Arizona Identity Theft Safety Sheet

Dept. of Revenue Identity Theft Site

Additional Arizona Identity Theft Resources



Tags:  bank fraud, utilities fraud, check fraud, credit card fraud, criminal impersonation, fraud of identity, identity fraud, Identity Theft, identity theft defense, identity theft protection, identity theft tips. credit monitoring, credit montoring service, credit reporting, credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, Credit Report, Free Credit Report

Alaska Identity Theft Resources

Alaska Identity Theft

From Alaska’s Identity Theft Fact Sheet:

ID theft is the fastest growing white-collar crime in the U.S.

Identity thieves can get personal information from you by:

  1. Stealing your wallet or purse
  2. Stealing your mail
  3. Rummaging through your trash
  4. Using information they find on the internet about you

In Alaska, identity theft is referred to as “criminal impersonation” and consists of using another person’s identification to fraudulently obtain good or services.  The relevant portions of the law can be found in Alaska’s criminal code (§§ 11.46.565 and 11.46.570)


Points of Contact

Office of the State Attorney General
P.O. Box 110300
Juneau, AK 99811-0300
Phone Number: (907) 465-2133
Fax: 907-465-2075

Department of Health and Social Services
350 Main Street, Room 404
PO Box 110601
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0601
Phone: (907) 465-3030
Fax: (907) 465-3068

Division of Motor Vehicles
Anchorage area: 269-5551
Toll Free inside Alaska: 1-855-269-5551
Outside of Alaska: 1-907-269-5551


Other Resources for Identity Theft in Alaska

Alaska Identity Theft Fact Sheet

Alaska Security Freeze Information

Alaska ID Safety Sheet

Additional Alaska ID Theft Resources



Tags:  check fraud, credit card fraud, criminal impersonation, fraud of identity, identity fraud, Identity Theft, identity theft defense, identity theft protection, identity theft tips. credit monitoring, credit montoring service, credit reporting, credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, Credit Report, Free Credit Report

Alabama Identity Theft Resources

Alabama Identity Theft

Alabama law states that identity theft occurs when someone uses the personal identifying information of another individual in order to fraudulently obtain goods and services.  The written law can be found in the Alabama Consumer Protection Act (§§ 13A-8-190 to -201).  (FYI:  This is not an easy site to navigate.)


Points of Contact

Office of the Attorney General
501 Wasington Ave.
Montgomery, AL 36130
Phone: (334) 242-7300

Department of Human Resources
Phone Number: (334) 242-1310
FAX: (334) 353-1115

Motor Vehicle Division


Other Resources for Identity Theft in Alabama

Alabama Consumer Protection Homepage

Identity Theft Brochure

Consumer Protection Brochure

Alabama ID Safety Sheet



Tags:  check fraud, credit card fraud, criminal impersonation, fraud of identity, identity fraud, Identity Theft, identity theft defense, identity theft protection, identity theft tips. credit monitoring, credit montoring service, credit reporting, credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, Credit Report, Free Credit Report